May 8, 20201 min

What I'm Doing During COVID-19

1. How has the stay at home order changed how you enjoy your horse,

or run your horse business?

2. Are you doing anything new or have a new project during this time?

Alex Martini

1. This picture was taken by my mom last week at Sweetheart Lake.

I have taken advantage of this quarantine "downtime" to enjoy the Walthour Moss Foundation. It's easy to get so caught up during show season training that we don't always make time to just ride for fun.

2. I have been taking all my horses out hacking a lot and they are loving the change of scenery. When riding at home I have been focusing on going back to basics and working on fundamentals such as straightness, suppleness, and relaxation. In addition to the riding, we have been getting A LOT of projects around the farm done!
